Clifford Pereira hold a BA (Hons) from the University of Ulster in Humanities Combined (Geography Major and Asian Studies Minor). Pereira is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), London for which he worked as Consultant Researcher, Curator and Facilitator (2006-2013). He was Honorary Research Assistant to Royal Holloway, University of London (2010-2013), Visiting Foreign Specialist (Researcher) to Dalian Maritime University, Dalian (2011-2015). Since 2015 Pereira is researcher with the Museum of Anthropology at UBC, Vancouver, where he was also Curator and Guest Researcher at the Chung Collection (2016).
• Research Interests
Pereira’s primary area of interest in the Indian Ocean World, where he is recognized as the world authority on the Bombay Africans. Pereira has also been widely recognized as an authority on Ming China and East Africa. His present research includes the history of Africans in East Asia and Chinese seamen in the First World War.
• Publications
Fabric of Enslavement: Panos de Terra. In Africa Magazine (OJS) Volume 2. No.3 2015.
África(s) - Revista do Programma de Pós –Graduação em Estudos Africanos e Representações da África. (Ed) Dr. Ivaldo de França Lima. 2017. Salvador, BA. Brazil.
(Chapter 12) Representing the East and West India links to the British Country House: the London Borough of Bexley and the wider heritage picture. In Slavery and the British Country House. (Eds) Madge Dresser & Dr. Andrew Hann. 2013. Swindon, UK.
(Chapter 12) Zheng He and the African Horizon: An Investigative Study into the Chinese Geography of Early Fifteenth Century Eastern Africa. In Zheng He and the Afro-Asian World. (Eds) Dr. Chia Lin Sien & Dr. Sally K Church. 2012. Melaka, Malaysia.
(Chapter 8) Goans of the North Atlantic: A Transnational Study of Migration, Technology Adoption and Neoculturation over Six Generations. In Migration, technology and Transculturation: A Global Perspective. (Eds) Dr. Myna German and Dr. Padmini Banerjee. 2011. St. Charles, Mo. USA.
(Chapter 7) Nineteenth Century European References to the African Diaspora in the Arabian Peninsula. In Uncovering the History of Africans in Asia. (Eds) Dr. Shihan de Silva Jayasuriya & Dr. Jean-Pierre Angenont. 2008. Leiden, The Netherlands.
Les Africains de Bombay et la colonie de Freretown. In Cahiers des Anneaux de la Mémoire. No. 9. De l’Afrique á l’Extrême-Orient. (Ed) Dr. Jean-Marc Masseaut. 2006. Nantes, France.
• Research Fieldwork
1) Research on Africans in Asia (World War 2) at Yangoon, Myanmar. October 2018.
2) The "Portuguese Gallery" at The national Museum of Qatar. Curated by Clifford Pereira. At the opening of the museum. March 2019.
3) Research on Africans in Asia at Freetown (World War 2), Sierra Leone. April 2019.
4) Research on Africans in Asia at Banjul (World War 2),The Gambia. April 2019.
• Conference Papers
Title: New interpretations of the African presence in Southeast Asia 700AD-1700AD.

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